Methods to administrate the Template resource.
PUT /admin/template/:template_id
Replace an existing template with the new provided data.
Request format
The request should be formatted as follows:
Header-Name |
Required |
Description |
Accepted values |
Accept |
Desired response format after a successful update operation. |
application/json; application/xml |
Content-Type |
Yes |
Format of the content body |
application/json; application/xml |
Prefer |
Tell the API if you want the updated template data to be returned or not. |
return=representation | return=minimal |
The request body can contain the same data as for the client POST request in the desired format.
Response format
The response will be formatted as follows:
Header-Name |
Description |
Content-Type |
Returned data type. Depends on data type sent with “Accept” header. |
Status Codes
Depending on several request conditions or errors during the request handling there will be one of the following status codes returned:
Code |
Cause/Meaning |
200 (OK) |
Template has been replaced successfully and the body contains the new Template data after the update. |
204 (NO CONTENT) |
Template has been replaced successfully and the body contains no data since “Prefer” header was set with “return=minimal” |
The body contains invalid data to replace the existing content; e.g. missing mandatory fields or data structures that could not be serialized. |
404 (NOT FOUND) |
The Template with provided id cannot be found. |
Whether the clients requested “Prefer” header setting the full new Template entry after the updated has been applied will be returned or it will be empty.
DELETE /admin/template/:template_id
Delete the template identified by “template_id” physically from server. Depending on your implementation the entry has to be removed from file or database storage.
Request format
The request should be formatted as follows:
There are no headers required.
No body required
Response format
The response will be formatted as follows:
There are no extra headers returned
Status Codes
Depending on several request conditions or errors during the request handling there will be on of the following status codes returned:
Code |
Cause/Meaning |
204 (NO CONTENT) |
Template has been deleted successfully. |
404 (NOT FOUND) |
The Template with provided id cannot be found. |
The Request was correct and template can be found but it is still used by compositions. |
No body returned
DELETE /admin/template/all
Delete all templates physically from server. Depending on your implementation the entries has to be removed from file or database storage.
The EHRbase environment variable “ADMINAPI_ALLOWDELETEALL” must be set to true. Otherwise the endpoint does not accept requests.
Request format
The request should be formatted as follows:
There are no headers required.
No body required
Response format
The response will be formatted as follows:
There are no extra headers returned
Status Codes
Depending on several request conditions or errors during the request handling there will be one of the following status codes returned:
Code |
Cause/Meaning |
200 (OK) |
Templates have been deleted successfully. |
The Request was correct but there are templates which are still used by compositions. |
For 200 (OK): The number of deleted templates is returned in the following schema:
"deleted": integer
For 422 (UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY): Body contains message with list of Compositions that are referencing at least one Template.